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Intelligence, community and recognition for pay and reward professionals.

Their Perfect Gift

Send your smile with our personalised spend anywhere gift card from Mastercard©.


Spend anywhere in the World that accepts Mastercard©, in-store and online. Heidi from the Sugababes is off to Ralph Lauren. Plus save on the latest tech, fashion and more when you spend in our perfect gift shop. And with at least 8 months to spend physical cards and 12 months for virtual cards, you’ve got plenty to time to choose.


Upload your photo and a personal message and we’ll create a beautiful greetings card for physical gift cards. Add a personal message to virtual gift cards. Kate Thornton calls it thoughtful cash. No-one will think you couldn’t be bothered every again! Coming soon, upload a video to play when your gift card is activated!


Order in £ or € online in 3 easy steps and we deliver in just 3 days. All the lucky person needs to do is activate their card and spend! You don’t even need to leave your house. You can load up to £200 per card and order up to £2,000 in total per order. And you can activate your card, check your balance and more online in a browser or our phone app!

Our personalised gift cards up to £100 are just £4.99 but, as Angela Griffin says, it’s not much more than sending a normal card. And with easy online ordering and no fees for using the card, it really is great value.


Retailer gift cards are risky. If they go bust, you’ll probably loose your money. Our gift cards are protected by MasterCard©, so your money is always safe. In the current climate, this is protection you need.


Unlike many similar cards, there are no fees to pay when you use your gift card in the currency it was issued in. If you spend in another currency, Mastercard© charge you 2.75% which is similar to using your standard debit or credit card.

Reward Strategy TV Refresh - Episode 1: The importance of key workers and financial wellbeing

Reward Strategy TV Refresh - Episode 1: The importance of key workers and financial wellbeing


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PPA Logo - an online news and information service for the UK’s payroll, reward, pensions, benefits and HR sectors. is published by Shard Financial Media Limited, registered in England & Wales as 5481132, 1-2 Paris Garden, London, SE1 8ND. All rights reserved. Reward Strategy is committed to diversity in the workplace. Copyright © Shard Financial Media Ltd.

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